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Windows 10 Home Price
Dated: 24/05/2024
Write Name: sayprint

Microsoft Windows 10 Home, released on July 29, 2015, stands as a flagship operating system following Windows 8.1. Despite being nearly a decade old, Windows 10 Home remains a sophisticated and reliable OS, often priced high on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.

Windows 10 Home Price

Windows 10 Home Price

There are two main types of Windows 10 Home product keys available for purchase online: physical copies and digital license keys.

  • Physical Copy: Prices range from ₹3,000 to ₹4,000 on Amazon and Flipkart.
  • Digital License Key: Costs around ₹200 or less.

Price list of Microsoft Windows 10 Home:

MicrosoftRs. 10379
AmazonRs. 5085
FlipkartRs 4439
SayprintRs. 195

Why Is There a Price Gap Between Physical Copies and Digital License Keys?

The higher cost of physical copies is due to the inclusion of a CD, shipping, and packing charges. In contrast, digital license keys are sent via email, eliminating these additional costs.

Quality Differences Between Official and Individual Sellers

Trusted Sources to Purchase Windows 10 Home

The most reliable way to purchase Windows 10 Home is from the official Microsoft website, which guarantees a 100% genuine product key with a money-back guarantee. However, this option is often more expensive compared to prices on Amazon and Flipkart. On these marketplaces, competitive pricing is available, but it is essential to check reviews before purchasing.

For students or home users, individual Microsoft product key sellers can offer discounts of up to 60-80% on genuine product keys. Ensure to verify the seller’s reviews and reputation to avoid counterfeit keys.

Quality Differences Between Official and Individual Sellers

Purchasing from individual sellers can be as reliable as buying from the official Microsoft website or major marketplaces, provided you verify the seller’s credibility. These keys typically allow single-time activation, meaning they can only be used as long as the OS is not uninstalled. Reusing the key for a second activation may not work.

Trusted Sources to Purchase Windows 10 Home

Common Questions About Windows 10 Home

Can I Downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home?

Currently, downgrading from Windows 10 Pro to Home is not possible via a product key. You must uninstall the existing version and then install Windows 10 Home.

Can I Use a Genuine Product Key on a Pirated Windows 10 Home Version?

No, genuine product keys cannot be used on pirated versions of Windows 10 Home. Pirated versions often block server connections to Microsoft, preventing the activation process.

What is the Price for Windows 10 Home Single Language?

Windows 10 Home Single Language is an OEM version typically bundled with laptops from manufacturers like Dell, Acer, and Lenovo. Individual consumers cannot purchase this version directly from Microsoft.

What is the Activation Process for Windows 10 Home?

To activate Windows 10 Home, go to the activation settings page, select the option to change the license key, enter the purchased product key, and click activate. If valid, the product will activate successfully.

Can I Use a Windows 10 Home Product Key on Windows 7?

No, a Windows 10 Home product key cannot be used on Windows 7, as it is not compatible.

What Happens If I Use a Windows 10 Home Key on Windows 11 Home?

Using a Windows 10 Home key on Windows 11 Home will result in an error notification, as the product keys are not interchangeable.

Can I Upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro?

Yes, if you have a retail product key for Windows 10 Pro, you can upgrade from Windows 10 Home by entering the Pro key in the activation settings.

Do you want check the price for Microsoft Windows 11 Pro in India?

How to Download Windows 10 Home

You can download the Microsoft Windows 10 ISO file for free from the official Microsoft website. This includes a 30-day trial version. After the trial period, you will need to enter a valid product key to continue using all features.


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